Predicting customers’ adoption of Islamic banking services in Tunisia:A Decomposed Theory of Planned Behaviour approach


  • Abdelghani Echchabi College of Business, Effat University
  • Dhekra Azouzi Faculty of Economic Sciences and Management, El Manar University, Tunisia



Tunisia, Islamic Bank, Decomposed theory of planned behaviour


Objective -The main purpose of the study is to examine the willingness of the Tunisian customers to adopt Islamic banking services, and the factors that may influence their decision.

Methods - A total of 100 questionnaires were randomly distributed to Tunisian banking customers, out of which 93 were properly filled and returned. Multiple regression and one sample t-test were subsequently applied.

Results – The results showed that uncertainty, compatibility, awareness as well as subjective norm, have a significant impact on the attitude towards Islamic banking services in Tunisia. Likewise, normative belief was also found to have a significant influence on subjective norm, with particular reference to the parents, siblings, peers and colleagues, as the main referent groups. In addition, self-efficacy was found to have a significant influence on perceived behavioural control, and finally, attitude and subjective norm were found to have a significant impact on the intention to adopt Islamic banking services in Tunisia.

Conclusions -Tunisian customers are willing to shift to Islamic banking services.


Keywords: Tunisia, Islamic Bank, Decomposed theory of planned behaviour


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How to Cite

Echchabi, A., & Azouzi, D. (2015). Predicting customers’ adoption of Islamic banking services in Tunisia:A Decomposed Theory of Planned Behaviour approach. Tazkia Islamic Finance and Business Review, 9(1).


